maanantai 18. marraskuuta 2013

Don't ignore awesome shit.

It's been a while.
But that's okay.
I got one thing to say to anyone who might be reading this, and is into playing roleplaying games:

Don't ignore awesome shit.
It's so easy to just shrug off everything, focus on only the tactical aspects of the game and to forget about roleplaying. Or to go on an ego trip where everyone else is just hogging your rightful place in the spotlight and it's a game of 'king of the hill'. Filibustering at it's finest. I love the word filibustering.

But how can I roleplay if I can't have the spotlight?
What an excellent question second person me, one of the rare readers of this blog!
I'll tell you. You just need to react to all the awesome, crazy, and even disruptive things the other players do. Anything that sticks out, you grab on to it and bite.

Here's an example of a situation done right, featuring a cyborg and a magical girl who could grow wings:
Did that girl just grow wings?
 I mean what the fuck, growing wings is not normal. It's something you are supposed to react to. It's a very strange and special event.
Even if you are playing that emotionless cyborg who is never surprised by anything, you should definitely state something like: "Registering additional aerial movement capabilities in that unit over there."
Or any other cheesy, silly line you want. the main point is, you should REACT, even if it's just a little verbal nod. But why? Does it really matter?

Yes, it does matter.
First of all, that girl character who just grew wings gave you a roleplaying opportunity. Hell, your cyborg character's statement just fleshed out and defined your cyborg character AND that angel girl at the same time. Way to go! Now everyone knows the way your character talks, and knows how he reacts to this kind of a strange occurrence.

But what if i'm such an emotionless cyborg that I absolutely don't care if she has wings or not?
Don't worry, you still get to play your character. I mean, you wanted to play a super-emotionless cyborg because you think they are cool, right? Then be cool!
Describe something like: "The cyborg seems to be paying no attention to the amazing transformation taking place. What goes on in it's strange, cybernetic mind, no one knows." Even if your character is not paying attention to her, you as a player make that angel girl's transformation stronger in the dramatic sense. You approve at it, you give it your 'nod of approval'. And at the same time you show how your cyborg is a badass who gives no fucks.

But what if I don't want to make up long, descriptive lines?
"Nice wings."  <- Look, there you go. You still showed that you cared. And that makes you an awesome roleplayer.